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High Fidelity Master Mix

High Fidelity Master Mix is a special next generation premix for PCR. This product contains 2X master mix to which primers and template can be added. It produces rapid target amplification (4 - 5 sec/kb) while maintaining high fidelity and yield.


1 ml 5 ml 15 ml Bulk Customize

$ 185

*The image is illustrative and does not necessarily represent the product


Compared to Taq DNA Polymerase, High Fidelity DNA polymerase has better specificity, higher yield, and faster amplification performance (4 - 5 sec/kb). Its amplification error rate is 81-fold lower than that of Taq. Matched with an optimized buffer system, this master mix can be used for PCR amplification of templates such as genomic DNA, cDNA, plasmid DNA, dU-containing DNA, and crude samples. It has excellent compatibility with GC-rich primer/template systems. This master mix contains two types of monoclonal antibodies, inhibiting the 5'→3' polymerase activity and 3'→5' exonuclease activity at room temperature, which enable it to perform hot start PCR with great specificity. Amplification will generate blunt-ended products.


This master mix contains DNA Polymerase, dNTPs, and an optimized buffer system with two types of monoclonal antibodies in a proprietary formulation.

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Cancer, Cell Cycle