SignalChem Diagnostics offers a selection of specialized CRISPR reagents designed to ensure optimal performance and stability of CRISPR-associated proteins in your gene-editing applications. Our CRISPR reagents, including reaction and storage buffers, are carefully formulated to maintain enzyme activity, maximize efficiency, and ensure reliable results in CRISPR-based gene manipulation techniques.

Name Catalog # Application
CAS System Nucleic Acid Detection Test Strip TS01-CS89 N/A
Cas12 Reaction Buffer, 10X CS12-09 N/A
Cas12 ssDNA Reporter CS12-57 N/A
Cas13 Reaction Buffer II, 10X CS13-09B N/A
Cas13 Reaction Buffer, 10X CS13-09 N/A
Cas13 ssRNA Reporter CS13-57 N/A
Cas13 Storage Buffer, 1X CS13-19 N/A