At SignalChem Diagnostics, we are committed to providing efficient and reliable shipping services to ensure the timely delivery of our products in perfect condition. The information below outlines our shipping and handling policies and procedures.

Shipping Schedule

  • North America: Orders received by 10:00 AM PST Monday to Wednesday will typically be shipped out on the same day.
  • International: Orders are shipped on Mondays and Fridays.

Shipping Methods

We partner with the following couriers to deliver your orders:

  • Fedex
  • UPS
  • World Courier

Freight Charges

Freight charges vary depending on the final destination. Please note that SignalChem is not responsible for any additional fees that may be incurred by your order, such as brokerage costs, duties, and taxes. Prices for each location have been configured for online purchases.

Shipping-Related Questions

Question: The products arrived without dry ice. Are they still fit for usage?

Answer: SignalChem does not recommend using products that have arrived without any dry ice remaining in the package. The quality of our products is paramount, and using products that may have been compromised during shipping is not advised. In specific circumstances, we may provide a replacement. Please contact our customer service team to request a replacement.